segunda-feira, 24 de agosto de 2009

Disciplinas a serem cursadas!

Fui visitar a coordenadora do meu curso hj!
E ela mandou eu escolher as cadeiras do meu curso!

Escolhi, e amanhã (hoje) falarei com ela!

Segue as disciplinas a serem cursadas e a ementa de cada!
Não sei se foi muito, mas ainda posso mudar!

System design and CFD simulation
(espero que consiga equivalência como disciplinas como Processos de Separação ou Análise e Controle de Processos)

Course Aim
The student should acquire the following skills in the course
- to be able to use a commercially available software, Fluent, used for CFD simulations on separate components.
- to be able to use a commercially available software, Aspen Plus, used for system design
Application of different software’s through different project assignments.

-English A, Comprehension and Writing
(espero conseguir como eletiva qualquer no departamento de línguas)

-Swedish for Beginners AI:1a
(o mesmo para o inglês: vir para Suécia, tem que voltar falando sueco)

-Design of Biochemical/Chemical Process Plants
(espero conseguir equivalência com Planejamento e Projeto ou com Análise e Controle de Processos)

Transport processes
Unit operations
Bioprocess engineering

Course Aim
The course utilises basic understanding of biochemical and chemical process engineering to design a biochemical/chemical process. Upon completion of the course the student should be able to:
• conduct an in depth analysis of a biochemical or chemical process and report both orally and in writing
• develop mass and energy balances for a process flow diagram
• conduct an economic analysis of a designed process
The course covers the following topics:
• Overview of unit operations
• Flow diagrams
• Process economics
• Process design
• Product design versus process design
The course consists of lectures and a project

-Instrumental Analysis
(espero conseguir equivalência com Análise Instrumental ou com disciplinas correlatas como Cromatografia)

Basic knowledge for studies at the engineering faculty.
Course Aim
After completed course the student shall:
- have required basic knowledge about the principles behind, and the possibilities of, the analytical techniques covered in the course.
- be able to describe the analytical instruments covered in the course.
- be able to plan, evaluate and present experimental work with analytical instruments.
The examiner will decide which three of the following instrumental analysis techniques that will covered in the course:
Scanning electron microscopy, Thermal analysis, Particle Characterization, Methods based on Inductively Coupled Plasma, X-ray diffraction, IR-, UV- and Raman spectroscopy, NMR and Chromatographic methods. The course will consist of lectures as well as practical training with the instruments.
The course is presented in the form of lectures and mandatory laboratory exercises. The first lecture is compulsory.

-Fuels, Combustion and Gasification Technology
(espero conseguir equivalência com Processos Químicos 2, pois pela ementa da disciplina, se tem algumas equivalências)
Course Aim
After having completed the course the student shall
- have an overview of the properties of gaseous, liquid and solid fuels
- be able to calculate stoichiometric amount of air and amount of stack gases for different fuels
- be able to calculated the composition of reaction products at equilibrium
- understand the reaction route and the mechanisms involved in formation of pollutants from combustion
Extraction, refinement and up grading of solid, liquid and gaseous fuels. Gasification and combustion reactions. Stoichiometry. Thermo chemistry. Chemical Equilibrium. Chemical reaction kinetics. Equipment used for gasification and combustion. Laminar and turbulent flames. Generation of pollutants and possibilities to control this by modification of combustion conditions.

2 comentários:

  1. Fuels,Combustion and gasification technology! Por que Engenharia Química é tacar fogo nas coisas !

  2. saco tuuudo de engenharia química 8)
